(Novel – political thriller/hard science-fiction)
My new novel Impasse Day is at the ‘alpha test’ phase.
It’s a near-future political thriller with a hard science-fiction bent. It has a lot of threads and a rich cast (think Game Of Thrones amount of story going on).
I need fast readers to help ‘alpha test’ it.
In English, ‘alpha test’ (it’s a software term) means:
* This is a warts-and-all draft
* I’m still working on it as you’re reading it. So at least one plot thread will be altered slightly!
* I’m still prepared to make directional changes in it (a bit). When it gets to ‘beta test’ phase I’m only fixing typos and grammos! 🙂
* Impasse Day is a ‘brick’ – it’s 640 pages in full-size ‘trim’, about 680 pages on an average e-reader (though shorter if you don’t have massive line-spacing like I like!). So you need to be a fast reader who eats big books.
* It has STRONG ADULT LANGUAGE. There are no sex scenes but there is violence on and off stage throughout the story.
I have a couple of trusty alpha-readers already on the case, but I could use as many as possible? PLEASE? 🙂
If you think you could finish it by mid-March (at the latest) this year 2019, email me at:
and I’ll send you an EPUB (and a PDF).
I need comments on:
* What you ENJOY and LIKE about Impasse Day!
* Anything that BORES, ANNOYS or PUZZLES you!
* Typos
* Grammos
* Characters who get lost
* Threads that get lost
* Violations of Chekhov’s Rule: something that you thought would reappear later but vanished
* Repeat’os: anywhere I’ve said something twice without it being justified
* Contradict’os: anywhere something is contradicted later
* Ghost’os: somebody stars speaking but at no point was actually introduced
* Smug’os: a character demonstrates too much familiarity with the other characters or with the reader, without earning the right
* Zombo’s: a character has no personality whatsoever
* Walking Dead Dialogue: characters ramble-on at length about nothing and your eyes glaze over
In return:
* I have not money to offer, BUT, I’m sure I can do food/gift vouchers for your favourite eatery, Amazon gifts or fluffy things through the mail. Name your poison!
* You’ll get a mention in the back pages of the finished product, and if you’re an author I’m happy to put links to your author page (just specify it for me!).
Jon Swords-Holdsworth